Today was a pretty mellow day. I had day shift, but I was 4th up (and 3 babies were born). However, one of those was a surprise preemie. By LMP, she was 38 weeks and was measuring at a normal fundal height for the Philippines. The baby was a little over 3 lbs, and by the gestational age assessment was between 27 and 30 wks. He had apgar scores of 8 and

9, which is crazy good, and had no problems breathing. His only trouble was a lack of a sucking reflex, which is a very big problem. So, unfortunately, he had to go to DMC like baby J. His care should be less complicated, since his problem is obvious, but please add him in with your prayers for baby J.I should be able to visit DMC tomorrow with my friend who caught the preemie. I'll let you know how it goes!

Before Baby J came, I had a small but fun adventure to a place called Hagimit falls on the Island of Samal. (I didn't really have time to blog about it 'till now) We left at 8, and were home by noon. It started with a boat ride to the Island, then a very
relaxing and beautiful motorcycle

ride through the countryside up to the falls. Really, the best part of the trip was the the ride
there and back :)