Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Home!!

I arrived home last night, had In-N-Out shakes with the fam, and got a great night's sleep in my own bed!!!
Nate and the kids had decorated the house for a fantastic "welcome home", and none of us could get enough hugs.
The past few weeks almost seem like a dream now...It was so different than my reality here.
Nate's making breakfast now, so I'm going to go enjoy my first normal Saturday home. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby # 10!!!!!!!!!!

On my very last shift here in Davao, I caught baby #10!! I had to work a 16 hour shift to do it, but it was sooo worth it! This mama had been there since 10 pm 8/4, I arrived at 6 am 8/5 and she didn't have her baby until 6:25 pm!!! she pulled a longer shift than I did, that's for sure. She would have had to switch to her 3rd midwife, and I needed just one more catch, so we made a good team :) Once the baby finally positioned itself correctly, the rest went really fast and everyone is happy and healthy.
Now all I have to think about is getting HOME!!! I can't wait :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Shift!!

I am on my very last shift here at Mercy. I have a labor, and this one will make #10 if all goes well!!! I have really enjoyed my time here with the other interns, students and supervisors, but I can't wait to get home! I'll let you know how it goes...

While I'm waiting, here are some pics from around town... It says: "Don't pee on the wall!"
Some have a "please", some have a "thank you" mus be a pretty common problem...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Transportation... and BB #9!

I caught baby # 9 yesterday!!! getting closer, and only one more shift left before I leave :) Hopefully I can get one last catch...
On a completely different note, I thought I'd show you how I get around over here. It is quite a colorful experience...literally! There are motor bikes, tricey cabs, motor tricey's, jeepneys, and regular old taxi's. Only took a jeepney once, its not my favorite :P Triceys are kind of a cab built around a bike or a motorcycle, and jeepneys are like an open air buses that make frequent stops. The motor bikes wait on corners or in the middle of the road:)
Here are some pics!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I've added pics!

I've added pics to baby #6 (productive day) and # 7. Still have to get pics from #8. Here are a few random fun pics. We don't have a lot of off time, but we sure do make the most of it!!
the pic of the fluffy leather couches is a MOVIE THEATER!!! rows and rows of them and they recline! CRAZY! The contrasts around here are baffling...just check out the cute kids who live down the street. Every time they see us they ask "What's your name?" even though they know. It's their best English phrase :)
The others are obvious...beach, amazing seafood (that one's for you Babe), crazy big starfish...Fun!

No time for pics!

Well I promised some pics, but they'll have to wait a little. I caught baby # 8 this morning @ 3:37am!!! I then (3hrs later) went to sleep for 5 hrs and back to the birth ctr for another shift @ 2pm. I am Thrilled... and exhausted! Luckily it's been quiet to start, but I'm ready for another round now! :)
I'll get to the pics as soon as I can.