Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Home!!

I arrived home last night, had In-N-Out shakes with the fam, and got a great night's sleep in my own bed!!!
Nate and the kids had decorated the house for a fantastic "welcome home", and none of us could get enough hugs.
The past few weeks almost seem like a dream now...It was so different than my reality here.
Nate's making breakfast now, so I'm going to go enjoy my first normal Saturday home. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby # 10!!!!!!!!!!

On my very last shift here in Davao, I caught baby #10!! I had to work a 16 hour shift to do it, but it was sooo worth it! This mama had been there since 10 pm 8/4, I arrived at 6 am 8/5 and she didn't have her baby until 6:25 pm!!! she pulled a longer shift than I did, that's for sure. She would have had to switch to her 3rd midwife, and I needed just one more catch, so we made a good team :) Once the baby finally positioned itself correctly, the rest went really fast and everyone is happy and healthy.
Now all I have to think about is getting HOME!!! I can't wait :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Shift!!

I am on my very last shift here at Mercy. I have a labor, and this one will make #10 if all goes well!!! I have really enjoyed my time here with the other interns, students and supervisors, but I can't wait to get home! I'll let you know how it goes...

While I'm waiting, here are some pics from around town... It says: "Don't pee on the wall!"
Some have a "please", some have a "thank you" mus be a pretty common problem...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Transportation... and BB #9!

I caught baby # 9 yesterday!!! getting closer, and only one more shift left before I leave :) Hopefully I can get one last catch...
On a completely different note, I thought I'd show you how I get around over here. It is quite a colorful experience...literally! There are motor bikes, tricey cabs, motor tricey's, jeepneys, and regular old taxi's. Only took a jeepney once, its not my favorite :P Triceys are kind of a cab built around a bike or a motorcycle, and jeepneys are like an open air buses that make frequent stops. The motor bikes wait on corners or in the middle of the road:)
Here are some pics!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I've added pics!

I've added pics to baby #6 (productive day) and # 7. Still have to get pics from #8. Here are a few random fun pics. We don't have a lot of off time, but we sure do make the most of it!!
the pic of the fluffy leather couches is a MOVIE THEATER!!! rows and rows of them and they recline! CRAZY! The contrasts around here are baffling...just check out the cute kids who live down the street. Every time they see us they ask "What's your name?" even though they know. It's their best English phrase :)
The others are obvious...beach, amazing seafood (that one's for you Babe), crazy big starfish...Fun!

No time for pics!

Well I promised some pics, but they'll have to wait a little. I caught baby # 8 this morning @ 3:37am!!! I then (3hrs later) went to sleep for 5 hrs and back to the birth ctr for another shift @ 2pm. I am Thrilled... and exhausted! Luckily it's been quiet to start, but I'm ready for another round now! :)
I'll get to the pics as soon as I can.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby # 7!!

It's 4am, and I am sleeeeepy, but. I just wanted to let you all know that I caught baby #7!!!
She and her mama are so sweet :) Now I need to get them settled in postpartum and maybe get a little nap in before shift change. I will post pics as soon as I can...yawn!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Badjao

The last couple of days have been pretty quiet so I think I'll tell you a little about some of our clientele. They are called the Badjao, but we sometimes lovingly call them "Goodjao". They are sea gypsies, some nomadic, and some live in these huts-on-stilts over the water. This particular family has a long tradition of diving for pearls, and he and his father make them into jewelry. Some are cultured, some are not. All of them are real and beautiful!!! This shell has several uncultured pearls embedded in it. There are pearls sold EVERYWHERE here for crazy low prices, but it's way more fun to buy them from our Goodjao.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A very productive day!!

Today started out with a lovely brunch with one of my Supervisors, Erin. It was the most fun I've ever had doing paperwork!! We drank iced coffee, and completed the forms and evaluations for my first 5 births.
I went straight from that to swing shift. When I arrived, there was a labor waiting for me, that seemed to have a ways to go. She just kept smiling away, but wanted to be checked. She was 10cm but had a lip of cervix, so I told her to keep breathing through contractions. About an hour later she started pushing, and had her baby out in 30 min (first time mom!).
So that's baby # 6!!! 5lbs 8oz...So cute!!
Still, she just kept on smiling:) The only time she stopped smiling was when she had to be sutured. Not fun for anyone, but it was my first opportunity do it! It was more complicated than we had thought upon the first evaluation, but I did just fine.
Now it's nearly midnight, and I should really go to sleep!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby #4 and baby #5 pics!!!

Yay! I now have 5 catches!!! Another very smooth delivery, even though the mom had a heart-shaped uterus!! Now I'm off to the air con (air conditioned room with black-out shades) to get some much needed sleep. :)

Fun times!

Today was the day that the last of the second year students left for home. I only knew them for two (really intense) weeks, but they had a pretty big impact on me. Big hearts and gentle spirits.
They wanted to have a "buntis dance party" before they left (buntis = pregnant), so if you wanted to come you had to dress up 38 weeks+ buntis! It was hilarious and we all had a blast!!!! I was the only one in this crew who had actually ever been
"buntis" :) We walked down to the clinic so the girls on shift could join in the fun (it was a very slow night).

This sign is so random, I had to toss it in. It was on the window at the pharmacy.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am just fine :)

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting for so long. This week has been full of Night shifts, and the second year students are leaving. So, there have been lots of events and holes to fill in the time where I'm not catching up on sleep. The girls that live in this house are truly a blessing, I will miss them when they go.

We have not noticed any typhoons or earthquakes here at the clinic (we are pretty far south from the earthquake). We have had some internet trouble, however, which has been a major contributor to the lack of communication (especially yesterday).

The last 2 days I wanted to post that I caught baby #4!!! It went very well, and I will see her for a postpartum/baby check today!!

My bana says that I need to start posting more often again...people are starting to worry :) He is so sweet! So that is exactly what I will do, provided the internet holds up.

I love and miss you all!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby J and misc.

Even when there are no babies to catch, there is plenty to do! There are always mama's and babies to take care of, rooms to prep, supplies to organize... and if those things are done, friends to get to know better!!!

Went to DMC again to find Baby J... another wild goose chase! At least he wasn't in the ER anymore, but he was tucked into another crowded corner. He and his mom were sharing a cot-like bed with another mom and baby, but at least it had a cushion! Still had an umbilical IV, but not O2. his mom still didn't know what the problem is, but it seems like the worst is over for now.

The in between time...

Today was a pretty mellow day. I had day shift, but I was 4th up (and 3 babies were born). However, one of those was a surprise preemie. By LMP, she was 38 weeks and was measuring at a normal fundal height for the Philippines. The baby was a little over 3 lbs, and by the gestational age assessment was between 27 and 30 wks. He had apgar scores of 8 and 9, which is crazy good, and had no problems breathing. His only trouble was a lack of a sucking reflex, which is a very big problem. So, unfortunately, he had to go to DMC like baby J. His care should be less complicated, since his problem is obvious, but please add him in with your prayers for baby J.I should be able to visit DMC tomorrow with my friend who caught the preemie. I'll let you know how it goes!
Before Baby J came, I had a small but fun adventure to a place called Hagimit falls on the Island of Samal. (I didn't really have time to blog about it 'till now) We left at 8, and were home by noon. It started with a boat ride to the Island, then a very
relaxing and beautiful motorcycle
ride through the countryside up to the falls. Really, the best part of the trip was the the ride
there and back :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby J update

After scouring the hospital..and all of the seemingly random large rooms filled from wall to wall with children and their families, we were finally asked "did you check the ER?" We didn't even consider the notion, because (according to the second year student) That would be very unusual even for this hospital.

So, we gave it a try. There she was, holding baby J, all tucked in the tiny corner of the resuscitation room...right where we left them yesterday (24 hrs before)!! She stayed in that chair in between the baby tubs all night, hours after giving birth! It was so crowded we had to squeeze by a few sick children and the failing resuscitation of a premature baby to get to her. She gave us a huge smile and explained that her bana went to go get food for her. The baby did have an umbilical IV, and still had free flow O2. He looked better, but still had a little blue around his mouth. She didn't have anything to report, no tests had been done that she knows of.
Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank You!

PS this is a pic of about half of one of the rooms we looked through, packed with people. the ER room she is in is just 8x8ft.